Author Archives: WeRobot2021


Daniella DiPaola Will Answer Questions on Skills from Students – Artifacts from a Robot Interaction Design Curriculum for Fifth Grade Students

Daniella DiPaola will lead two live Demo Q&A sessions on Skills from Students – Artifacts from a Robot Interaction Design Curriculum for Fifth Grade Students at #werobot. The first session will be held at 3:15pm on Friday, September 24th; the second session will be held at 11:00am on Saturday, September 25th. We suggest viewing the […]


Michelle Johnson Will Moderate the Health Robotics Panel

Michelle Johnson is the moderator for the Field Robotics panel at 4:30pm on Saturday, September 25th at #werobot. The panel will feature the following papers: Somebody That I Used to Know: The Risks of Personalizing Robots for Dementia Care by Alyssa Kubota, Maryam Pourebadi, Sharon Banh, Soyon Kim, and Laurel D. Riek Diverse Patient Perspectives on the Role […]


Meg Mitchell Will Lead Discussion on Understanding Consumer Contracts with Computational Language Models

Meg Mitchell will discuss Predicting Consumer Contracts at 1:30pm on Saturday, September 25th at #werobot. Meg Mitchell’s research primarily involves vision-language and grounded language generation, focusing on how to evolve artificial intelligence towards positive goals. This includes research on helping computers to communicate based on what they can process, as well as projects to create assistive […]


Madeleine Clare Elish Will Lead Discussion on the Political Implications of Autonomous Vehicles

Madeleine Clare Elish will discuss Autonomous Vehicle Fleets as Public Infrastructure at 11:30am on Saturday, September 25th at #werobot. Madeleine Clare Elish previously led the AI on the Ground Initiative at Data & Society, where she and her team investigated the promises and risks of integrating AI technologies into society. Through human-centered and ethnographic research, AI […]


Deb Raji Will Lead Discussion on “Debunking Robot Rights: Metaphysically, Ethically and Legally”

Deb Raji will discuss Debunking Robot Rights: Metaphysically, Ethically and Legally at 10:00am on Saturday, September 25th at #werobot. Deb Raji is a computer scientist and activist whose work centers on algorithmic bias, AI accountability, and algorithmic auditing. She received her degree in Engineering Science from the University of Toronto in 2019. In 2015, she founded […]


Cutting-Edge Posters: The Forefront of Robotics Research

The #WeRobot poster session will take place at 6:15pm on Friday, September 24. Short video previews of each poster will be available during the Lighting Poster Session at 12:30pm. The session will showcase several of the most late-breaking research developments and projects in robotics. Privacy’s Algorithmic Turn By Maria P. Angel The increasing relevance of […]


Meg Leta Jones Will Lead Discussion on Regulating Driving Assistance Software

Meg Leta Jones will discuss Driving Into the Loop: Mapping Automation Bias & Liability Issues for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems at 5:15pm on Friday, September 24th at #werobot. Meg Leta Jones is an Associate Professor in the Communication, Culture & Technology program at Georgetown University where she researches rules and technological change with a focus […]


Veronica Ahumada-Newhart Will Lead Discussion on How Child-Robot Interactions Can Affect Social Development

Veronica Ahumada-Newhart will discuss Social Robots and Children’s Fundamental Rights: A Dynamic Four-Component Framework for Research, Development, and Deployment at 3:45pm on Friday, September 24th at #werobot. Dr. Newhart received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Education from the University of California, Irvine. She completed her M.Ed. in Adult Education from the University of Georgia and […]