Category Archives: News


Recording of #WeRobot 2021 Sessions Now Available

If you missed any part of We Robot 2021, or you just want to enjoy it again, you’ll be pleased to know we’ve got recordings of the sessions available on line. If you want to read the paper before hearing the discussion (highly recommended!) see our program page for links to everything. Recording of Welcome […]


We Robot 2021 Prizes

Congratulations to our Prize winners: Best Paper: Marc Canellas, Anti-Discrimination Law’s Cybernetic Black Hole — $1000 Ian R. Kerr Robotnik Memorial Award for an Emerging Scholar: Annie Brett, Robots in the Ocean — $500 plus travel support for the next We Robot Best poster: Maria P. Angel, Privacy’s Algorithmic Turn: An Intellectual History — $500 […]


We Robot 2021 Will Be Virtual After All

We had hoped very much to have a live event, but circumstances make it clear that it’s not to be. We’d looked forward to welcoming you back to Coral Gables, but we’ve decided that due to safety concerns we have to take We Robot to a fully virtual format again. Starting with its first edition […]


We Robot Registration Update

[Updated] The registration portal is now open again. We are on track for a fully in-person conference!


We Robot 2021 Posters Deadline Extended to July 15

In light of the uncertainty as to our presentation mode–which we hope to resolve by early July–we’ve extended the time that  the submission portal for We Robot 2021 remains open for poster proposals to July 15, 2021. We’ve closed the portal for papers and demos. That said, if you have a particularly cool robot you […]


We Robot 2021 Will Have Terrific Papers & Demos

We Robot 2021 is proud to announce the list of accepted papers for our September 24 & 25 meeting days (the 23rd will be our Workshop day – details soon). These papers survived a rigorous double-blind review process, and represent less than 15% of the submissions we received. Sadly, many very good papers got turned […]


We Robot 2021 Submission Portal Now Open

We’ve opened the submission portal for We Robot 2021. There are three submission tracks: papers, posters, and demos/art installations. Although the submission tracks are separate, the conference will proceed on one track, so the three types of presentations will be mixed in together. You will need an EasyChair account to submit a proposal; if you don’t have […]


We Robot 2021 Call for Papers, Demos & Posters

Please note: The deadline for submitting paper abstracts has been extended to Feb 8, 2021.   We invite submissions for the 10th annual robotics law and policy conference—We Robot 2021—to be held at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, USA, on September 23-25, 2021. Currently we are planning for an in-person event with […]


We Robot 2021: Ten Year Anniversary — New Dates!

We Robot 2021 is proud to celebrate its 10th anniversary at the University of Miami School of Law. We have changed the dates to Sept. 23-25, 2021. We hope you will join us live, but we’re making plans for a virtual backup (or even perhaps….parallel….just in case.) More info …. soonish….