
We Robot has two parts: a Workshop on April 11, and the Main Conference on April 12-13. Watch this space for details — and don’t forget to register for We Robot.

Links to the full text of papers are available from this program, or in a handy zip file.

Remember that a key part of what makes We Robot special is that paper authors do not present their papers. We publish the papers online a month in advance and ask attendees to read them. The typical We Robot presentation starts with a quick summary and analysis by an expert discussant, followed by a very short response by the author(s). Then the main part begins: audience questions and comments. We Robot attendees are every bit as much a part of the event as the people on stage, and the interdisciplinary, and international, conversation is the heart of the action.

[4/8/19] Please note a program change: Friday and Saturday’s panels have exchanged slots. “Robot/Human Handoffs” is now on Friday; “AI & Authorship” is now on Saturday.

Workshop Schedule, April 11

Workshop Schedule, April 11
9:00-10:00This is not Magic: Basic Technical Concepts for the Latest Developments in Robotics & AI
Bill Smart & Cindy Grimm
10:00-11:00 Alexa, What’s a Tort? It Sounds Delicious: Basic Legal Concepts for the Latest Developments in Robotics & AI
Ryan Calo & Kristen Thomasen; Woodrow Hartzog moderating
11:30-12:30 Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: Basic Economic Concepts for the Latest Developments in Robotics & AI
Beth Bechky & Rob Seamans (NYU Stern)
1:30-2:30Don’t Look at Me Like That: The Latest Developments in Social Science/Philosophy for Robotics & AI
Madeleine Elish, Kate Darling & Ari Waldman
2:30-3:30We’re Not Gonna Take I.T.: Advocacy in Robotics and AI
Jay Stanley (ACLU), Kevin Bankston, Katherine Pratt & Lucas Hernández
4:00-5:00Get Ready for the Robot Olympics: Japan’s “Robotics 2020” Policy Initiative
Fumio Shimpo, Hideyuki Matsumi & Takayuki Kato; Woodrow Hartzog moderating
5:00-6:30Robots and Academics: The Nerdiest Trivia of All Time (plus light appetizers)
Howard Chizeck, Woodrow Hartzog & Kristen Thomasen


Conference Schedule, April 12-13


Friday, April 12, 2019
8:30-9:00 Check- in & Breakfast
9:00-9:15Welcome & Introductions
9:15-10:15The Reasonable Coder by Petros Terzis (University of Winchester)
Discussant: Bryan Choi
10:15-11:15[Schedule change] Toward a Comprehensive View of the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on International Affairs by Jesse Woo (Kyoto University)
Discussant: Heather Roff
11:30-12:30Reap What You Sow? Precision Agriculture and The Privacy of Farm Data by Karen Levy (Cornell University), Solon Barocas (Cornell University), & Alexandra Mateescu (Data & Society Research Institute)
Discussant: George Kantor
12:30-12:45Lightening Poster Session
1:45-3:15Panel: Robot/Human Handoffs
Moderator: Madeleine Elish
3:30-4:30Robots in Space: Sharing Our World with Autonomous Delivery Vehicles by Mason Marks (Yale Law School & NYU Law School
Discussant: Kristen Thomasen
4:45-5:45[Schedule change] The Institutional Life of Algorithmic Risk Assessment by Alicia Solow-Niederman (UCLA School of Law), YooJung Choi (UCLA) & Guy Van den Broeck (UCLA)
Discussant: Kristian Lum
5:45-6:00Closing Remarks
    Poster Session & Reception
  • Do We Need to Establish Guidelines or Basic Principles for Promoting the Use and Research & Development of AI? by Fumio Shimpo, Takayuki Kato, Kaori Ishii, Takashi Hatae, and Hideyuki Matsumi
  • A Reasonable Expectation of Neural Privacy by Katherine Pratt
  • The VIROS Project: Vulnerability in the Robot Society by Tobias Mahler & Lee Bygrave
  • The Confrontation Clause and Artificial Intelligence by Brian Sites
  • Made By AI: Can AI-Generated Inventions Be Patentable? by Elena Ponte
  • Religion and Robots: How Religious Ideas Shape Societal Attitudes Towards Robotic Technology by Milenko Budimir
  • Rage Against Machine Learning by Aaron Mannes
  • Serious Games: Simulations for Robot Risk Assessment and Communication by Aaron Mannes
  • From Seeds to Bytes: Data Transformations in the Agricultural Sector by Rian Wanstreet
  • Robotic Combat, Control, and Collaboration Through Virtual Twins by Chris Edwards and Tristan Fogt
  • Robots and the Curse of Being by Robin Murphy
  • How Robots and Autonomous Weapon Systems are Changing the Norms and Laws of War by USMA at West Point Professors LTC Chris Korpela, Major Scott Parsons, Major (Retired) Dom Larkin, and Dr. William J. Barry
  • Authoring Identity: Copyright, Privacy, and Commodity Dissonance in the Digital Age by Bita Amani
  • The Theater Method: Exploring Unethical Research Topics in Human-Robot Interaction by Samarendra Hedaoo & Heather Knight
  • 7:30-9:30Conference Dinner @ Mayfair Hotel, Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida

    Saturday, April 13, 2019
    8:00-8:30 Check- in & Breakfast
    8:30-9:30Emerging Legal and Policy Trends in Recent Robot Science Fiction by Robin R Murphy (Texas A&M University)
    Discussant: Kevin Bankston
    9:30-10:30Taking Futures Seriously: Forecasting as Method in Robotics Law and Policy by Stephanie Ballard (University of Washington) & Ryan Calo (University of Washington)
    Discussant: Jennifer Rhee Karen Levy (Cornell University)
    11:00-12:00Administering Artificial Intelligence by Alicia Solow-Niederman (UCLA School of Law
    Discussant: Michael Froomkin
    1:00-2:00The Robot Koseki: A Japanese Law Model for Regulating Autonomous Machines by Colin P. Jones (Doshisha Law School)
    Discussant: Hideyuki Matsumi
    2:30-3:30Why the Moral Machine is a Monster by Abby Everett Jaques (MIT)
    Discussant: Jason Millar
    4:00-5:30Panel: AI & Authorship
    Moderator: Kate Darling
    5:30-5:45Final Remarks
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