We Robot Registration is Open

We Robot 2019 registration opens today! We encourage you to register early, as we will close registration when the conference is full.

Until Jan. 11, 2019, the early bird fee for general registration for the main conference (April 12 & 13) is only $99. From Jan 11, 2019, general registration will rise to $149. We also have special rates for full-time academics ($99), full time students ($35) and U.Miami faculty ($35).

The We Robot Workshop on April 11 is an additional $45. We have exciting plans for the Workshop this year – subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss the details (see right column of this page for RSS and email subscription options).

A limited number of fee waivers for the main conference and/or the workshop are available for full time faculty and students; we also offer substantial discounts to attendees from economically developing countries. Email us at robots@law.miami.edu to apply for a waiver or discount.

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