Daniel Susser
Daniel Susser will discuss Being “Seen” vs. “Mis-seen”: Tensions Between Privacy and Fairness in Computer Vision at 11:30am on Friday, September 24th at #werobot.
Daniel Susser is a philosopher by training and works at the intersection of technology, ethics, and policy. His research aims to highlight normative issues in the design, development, and use of digital technologies, and to clarify conceptual issues that stand in the way of addressing them through law and other forms of governance. He currently focuses on questions about privacy, online influence, and automated decision-making.
He is the Haile Family Early Career Professor and assistant professor in the College of Information Sciences & Technology, research associate in the Rock Ethics Institute, and affiliated faculty member in the Philosophy Department at Penn State University. From 2016-18, he was an assistant professor in the Philosophy Department at San Jose State University. Before that, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Information Law Institute at New York University’s School of Law, a member of the Institute’s Privacy Research Group, and a visiting scholar in NYU’s Department of Media, Culture, and Communication.