Poster Presentations at We Robot 2016

We have a very international and interdisciplinary list of poster presenters and topics for our Friday afternoon sessions:

Poster Presentations

Legal Personhood for Robots: Parallels, Lessons, and Suggestions
Migle Laukyte, UC3M Conex – Marie Curie Fellow at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain).

Robots vs. Monkeys: Intellectual Property Rights of Non-Human Creators
Charles M. Roslof, Legal Counsel, Wikimedia Foundation
Tiffany Li, Privacy Fellow, Wikimedia Foundation

The Ethical Characteristics of Autonomous Robots

Fahad Alaieri, Electronic Business Program, University of Ottawa (Canada) & Management Information Systems, Qassim University (Saudi Arabia)

Honours Course on Robot Law at the Universities of Amsterdam
Robert Van den Hoven van Gendern, VU University of Amsterdam & Center for Law and Internet and Intellectual Property(CLI) of Transnational Studies (TLS), VU University of Amsterdam

Regulatory Framework for a Cloud-based Architecture that Supports a LEGO® Play-based Robot-mediated Therapy for Children with ASD
Eduard Fosch Villaronga, Università di Bologna
Jordi Albo-Canals, La Salle BCN – Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain / Tufts University

Should We Re-interpret the Confrontation Clause or Revise the Rules of Evidence to Provide a Different Type of Right to “Confront” Machine Witnesses?”
Brian Sites, Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law

Software Intelligence (SI) Dependent Legal Personhood & SI-Human Amalgamation (SIHA)– an Evolutionary Step for Patent Law
Joanna Bac, Aberdeen University

Creating Learning Spaces for the Digital Age: The Philosophy and Governance of Emerging Technologies Course at Notre Dame de Namur University
William Barry, Notre Dame de Namur University
Maria Rachelle, Notre Dame de Namur University

Human Interactions with Robots: Law, Policy, Ethics after Ashcroft v. FSC (US 2002)
Vickie Sutton, Texas Tech University School of Law

Patentability Of Dualistic Inventions
Charles Walter, University of Houston College of Engineering & College of Law